The dangerous drug attorneys at the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky provide legal support and representation to plaintiffs seeking to pursue a Tegretol lawsuit. In order to secure a maximum Tegretol settlement, it is crucial to have a competent and experienced Tegretol lawyer to guide you through all of the legal hurdles. Contact a Tegretol attorney today to schedule a free consultation and take your first step to recovering damages.
Carbamazepine is a mood-stabilizer and anticonvulsant intended for use on patients with bipolar disorder or epilepsy; however, it has been also used as an off-label treatment for a slew of other psychological disorders including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia, and phantom limb syndrome.
The most serious side-effect to use of carbamazepine is the possible development of Steven Johnson’s Syndrome (SJS), which is a serious disease that damages mucous membranes and skin cells causing separation of skin layers. Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TENS) is generally considered to be a more serious version of SJS, which causes more egregious epidermal separation.
Other serious side-effects include a greater probability of developing Lupus and further aggravation of juvenile myclonic epilepsy.
Carbamazepine is also known by the following names:
- Tegretol
- Biston
- Calepsin
- Carbatrol
- Epitol
- Equetro
- Finlepsin
- Sirtal
- Stazepine
- Telesmin
- Teril
- Timonil
- Trimonil
- Epimaz
If you or your loved one has been diagnosed with SJS or TENS after taking any of the aforementioned drugs, contact one of our attorneys today for a free consultation. It is the goal of our law firm to provide just recompense for all of our unfairly injured clients.