
The dangerous drug attorneys at the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky can provide legal advice and representation to individuals and families considering pursuing a Lexapro lawsuit. In order for a plaintiff to secure a maximum settlement in litigation of a Lexapro claim, regardless of whether in an individual lawsuit or in a class action lawsuit, it is crucial that the law firm representing you have a competent and experienced team of Lexapro lawyers to guide you through all of the legal hurdles as well as sufficient funding (litigation funding or legal finance) to cover litigation costs. Contact a Lexapro attorney today to schedule a free consultation and take your first step to obtaining compensation for losses caused by Escitalopram.

Lexapro is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class antidepressant. It is generically known as Escitalopram, and it is alternatively known as Anxiset-E, Cipralex, Seroplex, Lexamil, Lexam, and Entact. Lexapro is generally used to treat major depressive disorder and general anxiety disorder in adults. Like all other antidepressants, and more especially SSRIs, it has a plethora of adverse side effects associated with it.

A brief list of Lexapro side effects includes the following:

Like all other SSRIs, the most serious side effects are the propensity to cause birth defects when taken by pregnant mothers and the tendency to cause suicidal tendencies in young people. For more information about these serious Lexapro adverse effects, please visit the pages devoted specifically to them: Antidepressants & Suicide and SSRI Birth Defects.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of taking Lexapro, a Lexapro law firm may be able to help you secure a maximum settlement. If your child was born with birth defects, you are entitled to compensation. Contact our unsafe drug lawyers today to schedule a free and confidential consultation and take the first step to bringing a semblance of normalcy to your life after having sustained injuries.