
The dangerous drug attorneys at the Law Offices of Gregory Krasovsky provide legal support and representation to plaintiffs seeking to pursue a Fosamax lawsuit. In order to secure a maximum Fosamax settlement, it is crucial to have a competent and experienced Fosamax lawyer to guide you through all of the legal hurdles. Contact a Fosamax attorney today to schedule a free consultation and take your first step to recovering damages.

Fosamax is a drug manufactured by Merck Pharmaceuticals that is used for osteoporosis and other bone diseases. Since 2008, generic versions of this drug, called alendronate, appeared on the market; these are manufactured by Barr Pharmaceuticals and Teva Pharmaceuticals. It is a part of the bisphosphonate class of drugs.

Fosamax has some very serious side effects. The most significant bisphosphonate adverse effects include osteonecrosis of the jaw, which has been the target of the bulk of bisphosphonate litigation. However, other side effects include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Anemia

  • Swelling Extremities

  • Acute Renal failure

  • Esophageal Cancer

  • Femur Fractures

  • Osteonecrosis of the Jaw

  • Severe Muskoskeletal Pain

  • Atrial Fibrillation


Osteonecrosis of the jaw is a condition in which the bone tissue in the jaw does not heal after minor trauma. As one can infer from the name, osteonecrosis is sometimes called dead jaw, because the bone in the jaw dies. This is one of the most serious side effects, because it seriously impedes quality of life and is visibly noticeable. Furthermore, because it can lead to infection, it often requires long-term antibiotic treatment or even surgery (either of which could have a slew of side effects).

After a patient has been diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the jaw, expensive and time-consuming treatments will have to be administered. In the most severe cases, the affected bone has to be surgically removed in a painful operation.

Atrial fibrillation is a non-fatal, but still dangerous condition in which the patient develops a chronic irregular heartbeat. In a study of the bisphosphonate Fosamax, researchers found that women taking Fosamax were 86% more likely to develop Atrial fibrillation than those who were not taking any bisphosphonates.

Studies have also been conducted that have noticed that the probability of developing esophageal cancer doubles as a result of taking bisphosophonates. Although we would like to note that the normal probability of developing this cancer is 1 in 1,000, while bisphosophonates make the probability 2 out of 1,000. In a number of countries around the world, people have been disagnosed with esophageal cancer after having been prescribed to bisphosphonates.

While Fosamax ideally should reduce the risk of broken bones and fractures in patients, it is known for occasionally causing that opposite effect: it is known to cause serious femur fractures, along with other broken bones. Additionally, it has been reported that Fosamax might cause other serious medical conditions such as osteromyeltitis, which is the inflammation of bone marrow, and dead jaw disease (osteonecrosis). Fosamax side effects are very serious and those injured by them can claim just compensation.

The FDA has attempted to induce Merck to add warnings about bone fractures, but it took Merck over a year to include fractures as one of the possible side effects. We believe that such a delay is unacceptable.

Furthermore, it is the opinion of our pharmaceutical lawyers that drugs should not cause the same problem as they intend to fix. If you or a loved one has been harmed by anyone of the conditions mentioned above, contact our attorneys immediately for a free consultation. We believe you are always entitled to just recompense for your injuries.